


Gwynedd Pointe Homeowners Association

17th Annual Garden Contest - 2021 Winners


Co-Sponsored by the Gwynedd Pointe Homeowners Association


The Rhoads Garden, 570 DeKalb Pike, North Wales


We say it every year – it gets harder and harder to judge the wonderful gardens in Gwynedd Pointe because there are so many great ones.  Most rewarding was seeing many new gardens that were probably “COVID-19” projects. The trick now is to maintain and improve them.


We again considered the five Fs of great garden design: form, foliage, flowers, fruits (bird food) and fragrance. We did our best to identify plants, but it’s not always easy. There were superb gardens throughout Gwynedd Pointe, but there can be only thirteen winners. Please judge for yourself, as that is part of the fun!


Grand Prize - $100 Gift Certificate for the Rhoads Garden


6903 Colonial – A very creative new garden comes in first! The key is the effective use of raised beds to add dimensionality. This garden was designed by someone with a good eye; notice the balance on both sides of the walkway. We saw a colorful selection of annuals, gladiolas. Many of the ornaments such as the decorated gazing ball are homemade. The stones for the downspout, even, make a design statement.


Second Place – $75 Gift Certificate for the Rhoads Garden


2502 Grist Mill – Gorgeous beds formed with stacked stone. Cascading annuals under a redbud tree. We saw boxwoods, Shasta daisies, pink ladies primrose. A nice sedum ground cover. Red geraniums flank the porch. Garden seems natural and serene. I’m told strangers out for walks stop and photograph it, that is how beautiful it is.


Third Place - $50 Gift Certificate for the Rhoads Garden


1304 Kenwood – A new garden last year when it received an honorable mention, it rises to the podium this year. Framed by variegated leaf hollies, the balance and symmetry of this garden are remarkable. The Japanese maple is a nice focal point. Nice variety of plants, such as impatiens, vinca, hostas, coleus, Asiatic lilies, celosia, nice rough-edged brick border. The row between the sidewalk and the building has been filled in nicely with annuals and pink lilies.


Honorable Mentions (in order by address) - $15 Gift Certificate for the Rhoads Garden


200 Signal Hill – A newer garden. Nice edging, nice shape, with contours that include the front peninsula. Nice mix of ground, potted and hanging plants. We saw four small boxwoods (good for winter interest when the time comes), red gladiolas, lilyturf, hydrangea, nice annuals in front of a rose. Pinwheel and angel statue provide non-plant interest.


1102 Kenwood – A reimagined garden with a nice loose-flagstone border. Well-placed plants, including astilbe, calla lilies, speedwell, hosta, and azalea. Very attractive display.


1104 Kenwood – Another reimagined garden on Kenwood, this one with a formal block stone wall. We saw boxwood, lantana, New Guinea impatiens, but the highlight was the two crepe myrtle trees standing as sentries.


3504 Carriage – White tombstone border for a pretty front entrance bed. A good variety of flowers, we saw pink dianthus, Shasta daisies, coneflowers, day lilies, speedwell, yellow dipladenia, lantana, rose, and ornamental fruits. The spiraling wind toy and statue of little boy and girl on a bench are nice touches.


4403 Congress – This is a carefully planned patriotic garden, red, white and blue throughout, from the flowers to the pot colors. We saw impatiens, the uncommon Asian virginsbower clematis, and a lilac that creates an outdoor room behind it, giving a small garden a larger appearance. Completing the theme we have Uncle Sam and flags, and some rabbit statues that are fun to see.


4700 Congress – A newer, attractive garden with a light-colored brick border, nicely shaped. Well-maintained and attractive with roses, boxwood, daffodils, an oak leaf hydrangea, hostas and calla lilies.


4703 Congress – Another newer, attractive garden, with a nice use of ninebark bush. All about foliage and form, probably could call it a shade or woodland garden. We saw blue-green leafed dianthus, seven well-placed hostas, azaleas, salvia, hanging ferns, lilies, good integration with the magnolia. The potted plants have no flowers but great foliage and form. Even the lone rock in the front is well-placed visually. (Has something more gardeners should do: paint the plastic sewer-cleanout cover black or suitable dark color to hide it.)


5402 Plantation (rear) – This garden, visible from the sidewalk of Bell Run, is a community treasure. It won our contest two years ago. Last year it received an honorable mention from us but at the same time won a blue ribbon in the Outdoor Home Garden category from the prestigious Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. It is a hard one to judge. Is it too busy or does the discovery of its multitude of visual delights give it its charm? A new theme every year, this summer’s is Mary Poppins. Kids are always stopping to enjoy it, so we’re invoking an implied sixth F of gardening, Fun. Note – it is more than a theatrical or artistic display. The gardening decisions regarding plant material are impeccable.


6104 Rolling Hill – This garden has been honored before, and each year has some changes to keep it very interesting and aesthetically pleasing. You might call it a woodland garden, at least in feel. Nice plant choices, we saw calla lilies, sundrops, coreopsis over stone, coneflower, hardy geraniums, and potted annuals.


7304 Union – This one has been honored before but has been nicely redesigned to create the feeling of a multi-purpose space in the front, with pavers and a bench. The huge pots have beautiful coloring. Lots of nice plants, we saw hydrangea, yarrow, spotted dead nettle along the wall. And we can rest easy – the gardener has kept the frog figures!


Thank you to Hal Morley of Continental Property Management, our HOA board, The Rhoads Garden for its years of support, and the judges. For contest rules and lists of past winners, go to http://www.gwyneddpointegardencontest.blogspot.com/. Judging criteria is at http://gwyneddpointegardencontest.blogspot.com/2019/03/. Happy gardening!

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